Let's see, I first have to say I'm sorry for not posting since MAY lol. Lots of things have been going on, first, hubby got a JOB and we have moved to the Outer Banks of North Carolina! I cannot even begin to say how gorgeous it is out here. It takes a little getting used to though since we used to come here almost every year so we were always in "vacation-mode". Now that we live here, I don't want to say that I DON'T like all the tourists, it's just that there are alot of people who aren't necessarily conscious of their bad driving LOL...but I digress
I had absolutely NO IDEA that my jewelry would take off like it has. I've been so busy trying to just have a PLAN...just a plan to live every day and make sure everything gets done that needs to get done, you know? Being a mom of 4 plus trying to run a business by myself is exTREMEly hard. If I had the money I'd hire a housekeeper EVEN if it was just for 1 or 2 times a month to come in and put laundry away, clean the windows, stuff like that. I hate neglecting things like that but it's so hard to stay on top of EVERYthing. My kids are good (I should say GETTING BETTER) at cleaning their rooms and puttng things away, but I just feel I could be better organized. I'm getting there....trying.....
So there are going to be ALOT of changes with my jewelry here in the next few months. My website is still a SHELL and I need to fill it and put a shopping cart in, do more advertising, oh my GOD I need help. ugh and I know...yes I really need to work on this ugly blog...again...working on it..."add it to the list" hubby says
Anyway, I try to do too much all at once, I know...I know. I just want to make everyone happy and it's hard sometimes trying to juggle 20 things at once.
Well, if you've read this far, I certainly appreciate it and if you mention you read this long post, I'll give you free shipping on anything in my ETSY store so go .....go shop.....right now....go go go